Mid-City's Prescott SES will offer Beyond the Bell Supervision Beyond the Bell will be on-site from 8:00am to 6:00pm, Tuesday - Thursday, March 21-23, 2023
Your feedback is wanted about our magnet program! Please answer the following questions about your experience with your magnet program by Friday, March 17th at noon.
Coffee with the Principal, Thursday, March 16th Please join us on Zoom on Thursday, March 16th at 9 AM
Parent Conference Week Dismissal Schedule Hello Parents/Guardians! Please take note of the dismissal schedule for Parent Conference Week.
Come and meet our new Interim Region West Superintendent, Dr. Denise Collier! Come and meet our new Interim Region West Superintendent, Dr. Denise Collier Wednesday, March 8, 2023!
Lift Every Voice - African American History Month Celebration Please join us for Lift Every Voice - African American History Month Celebration.